Graco SmartSense Bassinet
Role: Manager
ID: Zack Hafner/Senior
Soft Goods: Alexis Schaffer/Senior
Fashion: Taylor Sullivan/Senior
This product represents a new design direction for Graco Home products, with a focus on better craftsmanship, elevated “fit in home” aesthetics, and a less mechanical design that seamlessly integrates into the home space.
Graco Smart Sense Bassinet (2024)
To expand on the “fit in home” philosophy, and add to the suite of Graco home products, our team saw an opportunity to further elevate Cry Detection technology in both usability and aesthetics. Pulling from the color and material palette developed for the 2023 Everystep Highchair, our Fashion and Softgoods team executed a highly tailored bassinet construction. This bassinet sits atop a minimally surfaced base, which houses both the capacitive touch user interface, and the electro-mechanical drivetrain. To maintain an approachable, soothing form language, the ID team visualized the U/I cap touch screen as a simple “slice” removed from the leading edge of the base. This reveal provides an integrated surface for the controls to live on, and the overall result is a visually quieter and more harmonious product than its predecessor. Taking inspiration from mid century modern laminated wood construction, the legs bend outward to provide a very sturdy and confidence inspiring stance. In the end, the Smart Sense bassinet continues the evolution of Graco home products visual design language into a calmer, more soothing and approachable look that is more relevant with contemporary home decor.